Why pay more for good design?

more Design
for less

Every piece carefully selected, directly sourced from manufacturers in Portugal. Good Design - without compromise.

Good design for less 🍝 Fair Prices 👀 Directly from the manufacturer 👀Good design for less 🍝 Fair Prices 👀 Directly from the manufacturer 👀Good design for less 🍝 Fair Prices 👀 Directly from the manufacturer 👀Good design for less 🍝 Fair Prices 👀 Directly from the manufacturer 👀Good design for less 🍝 Fair Prices 👀 Directly from the manufacturer 👀Good design for less 🍝 Fair Prices 👀 Directly from the manufacturer 👀Good design for less 🍝 Fair Prices 👀 Directly from the manufacturer 👀Good design for less 🍝 Fair Prices 👀 Directly from the manufacturer 👀Good design for less 🍝 Fair Prices 👀 Directly from the manufacturer 👀Good design for less 🍝 Fair Prices 👀 Directly from the manufacturer 👀

Directly from the Manufacturer

Tableware Sets for your next Tavolata

|color:Sand Weiss |color:Galaxy Schwarz |color:Eukalyptus Grün |color:Lachs Rosa
16 Pieces
Essential Tableware Set
CHF 256
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|color:Lachs Rosa |color:Sand Weiss |color:Galaxy Schwarz |color:Eukalyptus Grün
8 Pieces
Barista set
CHF 94
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|color:Lachs Rosa |color:Sand Weiss |color:Galaxy Schwarz |color:Eukalyptus Grün
16 Pieces
Brunch Set
CHF 212
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|color:Lachs Rosa |color:Galaxy Schwarz |color:Sand Weiss |color:Eukalyptus Grün
4 Pieces
Espresso Cup
CHF 45
|color:Lachs Rosa |color:Sand Weiss |color:Galaxy Schwarz |color:Eukalyptus Grün
24 Pieces
Casa Tableware Set
CHF 350
View product

More Design for less?


donated Meals

1 Product = One meal donated

Pôramesa invites you to the table in the fight against hunger in this world. We donate one meal for every product sold.


Why you will love Pôramesa

Responsibly Made
Fair prices – directly from the manufacturer
Sustainably Made in Portugal
High-quality materials for a long lasting life

Begeisterung purmehr Design für weniger.

  • „Toller Kund:innen-Service: Ein Produkt war leicht beschädigt und Pôramesa hat dieses sofort ersetzt."

    Loris, Uster CH

    Verified Customer

  • "Das Geschirr passt sogar super in die Geschirrspülmaschine und ist leicht im Vergleich zu ähnlichen Produkten."

    Anja, Lohmen DE

    Verified Customer

  • "Great quality, beautiful color, timeless & responsibly made 😇."

    Anne-Carole, Dübendorf CH

    Verified Customer

  • „Ich bin überglücklich so ein schönes und zeitloses Geschirr gefunden zu haben, die Kombinationsmöglichkeiten sind hammer."

    Markus, Haag in Oberbayern DE

    Verified Customer

  • "Ich habe lange nach so etwas Schönem gesucht. Die Farbe Sand Weiss wirkt sehr chic. Das Geschirr ist elegant und trotzdem robust."

    Ines, Rickenbach Sulz CH

    Verified Customer

  • "Ich hatte etwas Bedenken mit dem Versand. Es war aber alles sehr gut verpackt und es war ein Erlebnis mein neues Set auszupacken. Der Kundenservice antwortet ebenfalls sehr schnell und kam mir bei meinem Anliegen direkt entgegen."

    Sina, Frickenhausen DE

    Verified Customer


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